Accelerator Program


Urban Future Lab and SecondMuse are pioneering the GROW + TOGETHER Accelerator to merge the innovative forces of hardtech clean energy startups with the manufacturing industry in the Northeast US. 

Supported by an EPIC award funded by the Department of Energy’s Office of Technology Transitions, this model accelerates hardtech startup integration into existing supply chains, overcoming common barriers to market penetration faced by innovative products. 

To qualify, startups and manufacturers must first register their interest for a virtual Startup-Manufacturer Matchmaking event, which will offer facilitated conversations to clear initial hurdles in the manufacturing process. Additional funding will support a 9-month program that links hardtech clean energy startups and manufacturers with technical support and a tailored curriculum to assist with contracting, fundraising, pilot opportunities and more.

GROW + TOGETHER: Where Manufacturing Meets Innovation.

The virtual Startup-Manufacturer Matchmaking event is the first step in the application process of the GROW + TOGETHER Accelerator. The accelerator mandates joint applications from startups and manufacturers, ensuring both parties collaborate from the outset.

As part of our recruitment process, we’ll always host the Startup Manufacturer Matchmaking event before opening the joint applications required for the GROW + TOGETHER Accelerator.

The accelerator program will leverage existing regional partnerships and will build new ones in the Northeast with mentors, investors, universities, state and local government entities, and, especially, manufacturing partners. It will engage and support underrepresented founders, and manufacturing partners in rural and disadvantaged communities. 

Attendance Requirements:

  1. Virtual Startup-Manufacturer Matchmaking Event on September 17 from 9-11AM ET

  2. A 20-minute, 1:1 prep call with Peter Russo (President, New Approach Development, LLC) who is an industry veteran with deep expertise building successful partnerships between startups and manufacturers. This mandatory session will happen in the weeks leading up to the Matchmaking Event to ensure customized guidance. (Time to be scheduled if your application is accepted.)

Deadline for Expression of Interest: September 6, 2024 | 11:59PM ET

Hardtech startups and manufacturers working on electromechanical assemblies (including printed circuit board components [PCBs], box build, cable, and wire harness assemblies, etc.) are invited to express interest through the relevant form for Startups or Manufacturers. This 10-minute application will determine eligibility for the Startup-Manufacturer Matchmaking event. 

What to expect from the virtual Startup-Manufacturer Matchmaking event on September 17:

  1. Exclusive Access to the GROW + TOGETHER Accelerator Program: Receive priority consideration for entry into this prestigious program, designed to jointly support and scale high-potential startups and manufacturers.

  2. Targeted Networking Opportunities:

    • For Startups: Gain introductions to carefully vetted manufacturers with the capacity and willingness to engage with emerging companies. These manufacturers offer flexibility in handling small batch sizes and adapting to unique production needs.

    • For Manufacturers: Discover promising new business opportunities by connecting with startups that have specific manufacturing requirements and are positioned in high-growth markets. 

  3. Focused Breakout Sessions: Engage in tailored discussions with manufacturers who have the necessary capacity and appetite to work with startups.

  4. Insightful Expert Talks: Benefit from guidance and hands-on facilitation by industry experts: 

    • Peter Russo (President, New Approach Development, LLC), an industry veteran with deep expertise in building successful partnerships between startups and manufacturers, will provide an overview of the top challenges in today’s landscape as well as potential solutions.

    • Melissa Mayo, Business Development Manager at SoPark Corporation, which is a one-stop shop for all electronic contract manufacturing needs will be hosting a session during the Virtual Matchmaking Event.

  5. Industry Insights from Leading Institutions: Hear from Secondmuse and Urban Future Lab at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, gaining expert perspectives and strategic insights.

  6. Interactive Q&A Sessions: Get answers to your most pressing questions directly from experts and peers, ensuring you leave with actionable information.

GROW + TOGETHER Accelerator Benefits:

01. Financial Support

  • Funding: Access to grants, venture capital, or loans to finance their projects.

  • Subsidies and Incentives: Government or private sector subsidies to reduce costs.

  • Investment in R&D: Funding for research and development to innovate and refine their technologies.

02. Technical Support

  • Expertise and Training: Access to experts in manufacturing, engineering, and technology.

  • Prototyping and Testing Facilities: Resources to develop and test prototypes.

  • Technology Transfer: Assistance in adapting and scaling technologies for manufacturing.

03. Regulatory Support

  • Navigating Regulations: Help understanding and complying with environmental and manufacturing regulations.

  • Standardization: Support in meeting industry standards and certifications.

04. Partnership and Networking Support

  • Industry Connections: Building relationships with manufacturers and suppliers.

  • Collaborative Platforms: Platforms for sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices.

  • Mentorship: Guidance from experienced industry professionals.

05. Market Support

  • Market Research: Insights into market needs and trends.

  • Marketing and Sales: Strategies to promote and sell their products.

  • Customer Access: Connecting with potential customers and early adopters.

06. Logistical Support

  • Supply Chain Management: Assistance in managing supply chains efficiently.

  • Infrastructure: Access to manufacturing facilities and equipment.

07. Legal Support

  • Intellectual Property: Help with patenting and protecting their innovations.

  • Contracts and Agreements: Assistance in drafting and negotiating contracts with manufacturers.

08. Sustainability Support

  • Environmental Impact Assessment: Tools and expertise to measure and mitigate environmental impacts.

  • Sustainable Practices: Guidance on implementing sustainable manufacturing practices.

09. Educational Support

  • Workshops and Seminars: Opportunities to learn about the latest trends and technologies in manufacturing.

  • Academic Partnerships: Collaborations with universities and research institutions.

How GROW + TOGETHER helps innovative startups and manufacturers.

The GROW + TOGETHER Accelerator Program connects climatetech startups and manufacturers with essential support. We provide funding, technical expertise, and regulatory guidance while fostering industry connections and our unique position as conveners in the climatetech ecosystem.


Frequently asked questions.

  • Hardtech startups focused on decarbonization and manufacturers working on electromechanical assemblies (including printed circuit board components [PCBs], box build, cable, and wire harness assemblies, etc.) are invited to express interest through the relevant form for Startups or Manufacturers.

    Climatetech startups that are at a manufacturing readiness level (MRL) between 4 and 6, actively seeking manufacturing partnerships to produce electromechanical assemblies are eligible to apply. 

    Applicants may apply from anywhere in the world and from any climatetech sector as long as they are seeking to manufacture electromechanical assemblies.

    Manufacturers who apply must be currently manufacturing electromechanical assemblies and have manufacturing facilities in the Northeast U.S. region, which we define at the southern edge as D.C., west to Pennsylvania, and north to Massachusetts.

    The GROW + TOGETHER program is committed to increasing diversity and equity, maintaining an inclusive community culture, and creating a more sustainable planet for all. We welcome applications from founders and teams of all backgrounds, regardless of their ethnicity, race, gender, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or whether or not they have a disability.

  • The 10-minute application aims to provide us with the critical information needed to determine your eligibility for the virtual Startup-Manufacturer Matchmaking event on September 17. After submission, our teams will review and reach out to your contact with any further questions if needed. 

    With the rolling admission process, you can expect to hear back within 5-7 business days. We highly encourage applying sooner rather than waiting until the September 6th deadline.

  • This year’s program will focus on electromechanical assemblies (including printed circuit board components [PCBs], box build, cable, and wire harness assemblies, etc.). Application of this technology is sector-agnostic (built environment, mobility, food & beverage, agriculture, etc.), as long as the startup’s solution is centered on decarbonization.

  • No, applying to the GROW + TOGETHER virtual Startup-Manufacturer Matchmaking event on September 17 is free and we do not take equity from any applicants or accepted program participants.

  • Friday, September 6th at 11:59PM ET. With a rolling admissions process, we highly encourage applying sooner rather than waiting until the September 6th deadline.

Have more questions about GROW + TOGETHER?


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